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Lake Street Dive: You go down Smooth, testo, traduzione e interpretazione

Sabato, 27 Giugno 2015 16:10

In quest'articolo trovi il testo, la traduzione di You go Down Smooth brano estratto da "Bad Self Portrait", ultimo disco dei Lake Street Dive. L'interpretazione è contenuta nel podcast che trovi qui in basso, registrazione della puntata di terryXplane su Radio Libera Tutti, interamente dedicata al nuovo album di Lake Street Dive.



Trovi l'interpretazione di You go Down Smooth al minuto 35:25 di questo podcast!

Testo You go Down Smooth Lake Street Dive 

Would it be true to say that I ordered you

Or is it you that ordered me?
I could say you are the only one I see
But I can't stop at two or three

And I am afraid to need you so
And I am too sober not to know
That you may be my problem, not my love
Would I be lying if I said you were too sweet
Though I'm quite sure you've got a bite
I could say that you were just a special treat
Though we both know that's not right

And I am afraid to need you so
And I am too sober not to know
That you may be my problem, not my love
'Cause you go down smooth
Would it be true to say you go to my head
Or is that sentiment too frank
I could say you make it sweet to go to bed
But then it's you that breaks the bank

And I am afraid to need you so
And I am too sober not to know
That you may be my problem, not my love
'Cause you go down smooth