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Lake Street Dive: Better Than, testo, traduzione e interpretazione

Sabato, 27 Giugno 2015 16:15


In quest'articolo trovi il testo, la traduzione di Better Than brano estratto da "Bad Self Portrait", ultimo disco dei Lake Street Dive. L'interpretazione è contenuta nel podcast che trovi qui in basso, registrazione della puntata di terryXplane su Radio Libera Tutti, interamente dedicata al nuovo album di Lake Street Dive.




Trovi l'interpretazione di Better Then al minuto 20:40 di questo podcast!

Testo Better Than Lake Street Dive

I could spend ages reading the news
I could spend days, singing the blues
But I turn up the tv light
Give up without a fight
Better than pretending to know what's wrong and what's right

I could spend ages asking myself why
There's a million ways that I could say goodbye
But I turn down the lights
Come on baby come inside
Better then being some fool's bride
Better than pretending to know what's wrong and what's right

Turn down the lights
Come on baby, come inside
Better than pretending to know what's wrong and what's right
Better than being some fool's bride

Well it's better than pretending to know what's wrong and what's right
Oh what's wrong, and what's right